Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Home is Where the Dogs Are

So this will be the last of the San Diego pictures or will they? Ashley and I are hopefully swapping pictures. Ash- yours should be in the mail this week. Just think of it as your personal trip down memory lane via the 21st century slide show. So let the tour begin!

The first house is off the coast of La Jolla. My tour guide told me it was thought to be the home of someone in the oil and gas field.
This next house was also on La Jolla.
These two were in the Hollywood hills. I love the greenery!
This one can be found in Beverly Hills.
I've saved the best houses for the end and of course all of those came from the island of Cornoda. Just a little background information, the dirt cheapest fixer upper house sells for about $1.2 million. Not exactly chump change.
While these houses are super lovely, we all know it's the people (and the dogs) that make the home. Meet Zeus and Romey, Nick and Ashley's dogs.
Thanks Ash for an absolutely incredible time. I'm so glad to call you a friend and know that we have one of those friendships that picks up right where we left off no matter the span of time or miles. I think I still hear the faint sound of two giggling girls playing cards and talking about boys for hours on end.

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